The Tales of Charlie Wags: New York CityWritten by Sofie Wells and Ali Barclay
Illustrated by Sanna Sjöström
Ages: 3-7 | 32 Pages
Publisher: Kendam Press (2025) | ISBN: 979-8-9900050-0-6
Publisher’s Book Summary: Charlie Wags is a seemingly ordinary pup. He sits on demand, is appropriately needy, and only sometimes begs for treats.
But Charlie has an extraordinary secret. He loves to travel the world and has a special trick to do so: his wagging tail can whisk him away to far-off places.
This time, he’s off to the Big Apple!
Embark on a panoramic tour of New York City led by ever-curious pup Charlie Wags! From the serenity of Central Park to the dazzling lights of Times Square, Charlie explores the city that never sleeps before returning home for bedtime.
Wherever you may be, The World Is Just a Wag Away.™
Available for purchase
Sister-author duo Sofie Wells and Ali Barclay form the writing team behind The Tales of Charlie Wags picture book series.
As daughters of immigrants, their family heritage exposed the sisters to the importance of cultural diversity early on. Their parents prioritized showing them the world, even on a tight budget, instilling in them the idea that travel is one of the best forms of education.
Knowing that not all children had the chance to explore the world firsthand, they put pen to paper to create a tale about a globetrotting dog. They hoped their story would allow young readers to experience the wonders of the world without ever having to leave their homes.
Their series mission is simple: provide a conversational understanding of the world’s most famous cities through charming stories that make far-off places accessible to every child and family.
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Sanna Sjöström, known professionally as Sannadorable, has loved art her whole life. With an extensive background in watercolor painting, she found it increasingly difficult to find the time and energy for her art after having children. Realizing how quickly she could access her iPad, Sanna began experimenting with digital art, skillfully mimicking the look of watercolor.
Today, Sanna illustrates children’s books and also creates posters, cards, and digital illustration tools. Through her creations, she aims to bring joy and smiles to people’s faces.
Sanna’s distinctive style—rooted in her deep appreciation for nature and her love for finding beauty in the ordinary—brings iconic cities to life in enchanting, rose-colored hues throughout The Tales of Charlie Wags series.
Life Is What It's Called - What inspired you to write this story?Sofie Wells and Ali Barclay: The idea for The Tales of Charlie Wags has been with us for years—long before either of us
had kids. Growing up in a family of immigrants, we were surrounded by diverse cultures,
traditions, languages, and foods, thanks to our Greek, Argentine, Spanish, and Italian roots. Our
parents believed in the educational power of travel, so even on a tight budget, they prioritized
family trips around the world. These experiences instilled in us an appreciation for different
cultures and gave us a broader view of the world.
But as we went from children to adults with our own kids, we realized that not everyone has the
opportunity to see the world firsthand. We wanted to share the cultural insights we gained from
our parents and extended families so that kids, no matter where they live, could experience the
world from home. Through Charlie’s adventures, we aim to open children’s eyes to the world’s
wonders—without them ever needing to leave home. Our goal is to equip kids with the
knowledge to talk about places they’ve never visited. While you and I might be familiar with
Broadway, many children across the country may not even know what it is. Charlie helps break
down that barrier, introducing young minds to iconic locations they may not have the chance to
experience firsthand. It’s all about sparking curiosity and making the world feel more accessible,
one adventure at a time.
Life Is What It's Called - What do you think readers will enjoy most about this book?Sofie Wells and Ali Barclay: Aside from the gorgeous art and breezy rhyme, we wanted to create a book that is a fun, family-
centered experience. The Tales of Charlie Wags is something that parents can enjoy right along
with their kids—reading, learning, and bonding over Charlie’s adventures. At the back of each
book, there’s a special Paws and Learn page that offers kid-friendly fun facts about each site, as
well as questions to spark meaningful conversations between adults and children. This page
invites families to dive deeper into the city and share the joy of exploration together.Life Is What It's Called - If this book was a place, what would it be and why?Sofie Wells and Ali Barclay: If we did our jobs correctly, this book is New York City! New York is the perfect blend of energy,
variety, and wonder—much like Charlie himself. It's a city full of iconic landmarks, exciting
experiences, and a sense of endless adventure. Though Charlie can whisk away to any part of
the world with a wag of his tail, New York offers its own sense of limitless possibilities. There's
always something new to discover around every corner.Life Is What It's Called - What lessons will readers learn from this book?Sofie Wells and Ali Barclay: Our series introduces children to the world’s most famous cities in a fun, easy-to-understand
way. In New York City, kids will learn about iconic landmarks, and with the help of vivid
illustrations, they’ll be able to connect the names to the places themselves.
One of the deeper lessons we hope to convey is that, despite all the amazing places Charlie
visits, his favorite place in the world is still his home. We loved the idea of Charlie exploring the
globe, but always returning home each night with a grateful heart. In a world where it’s easy to
compare and wish for what others have, we wanted to emphasize the value of appreciating
where you come from. Each of Charlie’s journeys ends with the reminder that home is where
the heart is.Life Is What It's Called - What can you tell us about your experience as authors?Sofie Wells and Ali Barclay: Self-publishing is a rewarding but challenging journey. We started this process 1.5 years ago,
drafting the first three manuscripts (NYC, London, and Paris) in 2023. It took a lot of poise to
wait to release New York City with London (March 2025) and Paris (June 2025) right behind it,
but it was the right strategic decision for us.
Writing the stories is just the beginning (and often the quickest part of each book’s process). We
handle every aspect of our business—from hiring an editor and illustrator to managing logistics,
legal, accounting, and marketing. But we’re also both mothers with full-time jobs. We’ve had to
work on the series during naps, post-bedtime, weekends—anytime we could squeeze in a
moment. That’s how you know you love what you’re working on—when you’re willing to give up
the little free time you have to invest in a passion project.
The beauty of being hands-on with every aspect of the process is that we’ve learned so much,
not just about writing, but about the business behind it. We also get complete control of the
execution of this series, which was really important to us from the jump.
Self-publishing isn’t easy, but when you believe in your story and are willing to put in the effort,
it’s incredibly rewarding. We’ve learned that you’re the one driving your success, and though it’s
challenging, the satisfaction of seeing everything come together exactly how we envisioned it
makes it all worthwhile.
Enter our giveaway for a chance to win a hardcover copy of The Tales of Charlie Wags: New York City, personalized by Charlie Wags himself! One lucky winner will also receive Charlie Wags greeting cards, coloring pages, and a $100 gift card to Amazon.
This post is sponsored by Sofie Wells and Ali Barclay. The review and opinions expressed in this post are based on my personal view.