Hannah Hadley is a permanent fixture in London Society and well on her way to becoming a spinster. DespiteTo members of the ton, Jonathan Carter is undeniably unsuitable. Though he is in possession of a massive fortune and is handsome as well, there remains an insurmountable black mark against him: his is new money. Even so, he’s caught off guard when his enchanting neighbor, Miss Hadley, flatly rejects his offer to dance. Despite their rocky introduction, however, they find themselves inexplicably drawn to one another. But when circumstances force Hannah from her home, the couple’s warm association comes to an abrupt end. Now, Jonathan must find a way to rescue the woman he just might love or risklosing her forever.
Rachel Kelley Stones grew up on a farm in Kentucky, and an infamous summer of no television solidified her love for the written word. Traveling to eras past became a favorite pastime and inspired her to pursue a degree in English from Brigham Young University. Fast-forward a decade (or more), and she finally put pen to paper to write her own romantic, historical tales. She now lives with her husband and five children in Idaho.
Life Is What It's Called - What inspired you to write this story?
Rachel Kelley Stones - I love the regency era and a few “what if” questions led to me write this story. In my research, I came across the Isham family, and a few tidbits of their past became the seeds for this story. I also loved diving into some of the ladies magazines of the era for information, and you’ll find some of that in this story too.
Life Is What It's Called - What was difficult about writing this story?
Life Is What It's Called - What was difficult about writing this story?
Rachel Kelley Stones - Love Unseen was my first attempt at writing anything of considerable length. I tried to plot out what would happen, but I quickly discovered that I’m a “pantser”. A pantser makes up the story as they go along instead of plotting it out. It made writing the story more of a discovery project and a lot more challenging because I had no idea how things were going to unfold.
Life Is What It's Called - What was the best part about writing this story?
Life Is What It's Called - What was the best part about writing this story?
Rachel Kelley Stones - I love these characters! And while discovering the story as I went made it challenging to write, it also made it exciting because it was fun to see the characters grow and make choices and become their own people.
Life Is What It's Called - What do you think romance readers will like best about this story?
Life Is What It's Called - What do you think romance readers will like best about this story?
Rachel Kelley Stones - Hannah and Jonathan have a rocky start which gives off an enemies-to-lovers vibe (it’s a trope I love). I adore watching their first misconceptions melt away as they grow to love and respect each other, and I hope readers will too.
Life Is What It's Called - What themes run through this story?
Life Is What It's Called - What themes run through this story?
Rachel Kelley Stones - Everyone has a story, and everyone is struggling with something in their lives. All we can do is strive to be good and kind. Hard times will come, and we often have to choose to create our own light to brighten our days. Hannah learns this throughout the story, and it’s something I think we can all emulate in this life.
Life Is What It's Called - Will you write additional books?
Life Is What It's Called - Will you write additional books?
Rachel Kelley Stones - Yes! I have another stand-alone regency era novel finished, and I hope to share some news about it soon. And I’m currently working on a Victorian era story.
Life Is What It's Called - What do you want readers to know about you as an author?
Life Is What It's Called - What do you want readers to know about you as an author?
Rachel Kelley Stones - I love to connect with readers, so please reach out! You can find me on social media (Facebook and Instagram). Also, here’s a piece of unsolicited advice: don’t be afraid to chase your dreams. I always wanted to write a book, and I listened to authors say “you can do this too” and I love to pass that message along. Because it’s true!
In Love Unseen, Hannah meets Jonathan Carter. At first, they get off on the wrong foot, but gradually as they learn more about each other they become friends and learn to love each other. When circumstances change abruptly for Hannah, Jonathan tries to help her. I love the characters. Hannah and Jonathan both have strong personalities and I love that Hannah seems to have a great awareness of those around her despite not being able to see. The story is a fast-paced, entertaining read that romance readers will enjoy. The author takes the readers through many different twists and turns throughout the story discovering more about the characters and their situations as you go through out the story. I really enjoyed this book. I could see the author doing a few spin-offs on this book if the author chose to continue the story. I also liked that it was a fresh take on the Regency Era. The author brough fresh awareness to what it may have been like to go blind from an illness and struggles with different family members and society. This book was fun to read. To learn more about, Love Unseen, click here.
Please note that I received a free book to review, however, this is my honest opinion. This post is in cooperation with the author and publisher. This post contains affiliate links that help support this blog.
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