Revelation is My Flashlight Review and Giveaway

Monday, September 18, 2023


Using read-aloud rhyme and relatable analogies, Revelation Is My Flashlight is an engaging story and teaching tool all about how to seek and follow personal revelation. The story includes adorable illustrations and extra resources for further study.

Sometimes life feels like the night.

I can't see where to go.

But God gave me a special tool

to help me see and know.

The tool is revelation.

It's like a shining light.

The Holy Ghost points the way,

showing me what's right.


Sierra started talking early and has been a storyteller ever since. She loves to teach and work with children, and this love has shaped her life from working as a high school English and history teacher and children’s art teacher to serving as a church children’s leader and a mother. Sierra is passionate about writing, art, hiking, family, and eating entirely too much chocolate. She currently lives with her husband, four kids, two cats, two fish, and a bearded dragon in Alberta, Canada.

Keep in touch and learn more at or on social media.

Revelation is My Flashlight shares how the light of revelation can help guide you in your life. The story through metaphor and analogy compares revelation to a flashlight. Kids will enjoy the rhyming text and the fun illustrations. The illustrations are eye-catching with their use of color and attractive design. Revelation is a big idea for kids. I liked how the story shared what it feels like, how to get it, and why you need it in a way that kids find relatable. I wished the story explored more of what it is through the text. It is explained more in the resource page in the back of the book and parents can use this book as a steppingstone into deeper conversations. I could see this book as being a great learning tool for parents to use in their home studies and family home evening lessons. To learn more, click here.

Please note that I received a free e-copy to review, however, this is my honest opinion. This post contains affiliate links that help support this blog.

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