Troubles and Doubles and Reflections Askew Author Interview and Giveaway

Wednesday, October 4, 2023


Troubles and Doubles and Reflections Askew

Written by Dr. Drew Palacio

Illustrated by Apolline Etienne

Ages 4+ | 36 Pages

Publisher: Brandylane Publishers, Inc. | ISBN-13: 9781958754368

Publisher’s Book Summary: With a sigh, she went pacing before a large mirror that stood,

Remarking: “Ugh! I’m hideous! None of this looks very good!”

After struggling to find the perfect outfit, Emily Soo dances the night away at a fun party. But when she gets home, her inner voice Emily Two tries to put a damper on her evening.

Confronting our thoughts, fully facing tough emotions, and affirming ourselves can be difficult.

Can Emily Soo find it within herself to squash her Worry and Woe?

Available for purchase on Amazon, Bookshop, and Barnes and Noble.


Drew Palacio grew up in Mendocino County, California. He received his doctorate in clinical psychology from the American School of Professional Psychology in San Francisco and currently practices in Kansas. Clinically, he implores partnership and efforts from local families, schools, and the community. Lastly, Dr. Drew is himself a child a heart, using his love of magic and worldly mystery, whether via comic books, animation, video games, or through the passing daydream, to always stoke his inspiration.


Life Is What It's Called - What themes run through Troubles and Doubles and Reflections Askew (The Curious Case of the Two Emily Soos)?

Dr. Drew Palacio - Thematically, the classic coming-of-age story, courage and perseverance, patience and understanding, sense-of-self, discovery, family, and perhaps loss of innocence, by way of the protagonist Emily being juxtaposed before the more sophisticated elements of pre-teen life.

Life Is What It's Called - Why do you think the message in the book is important for readers?

Dr. Drew Palacio - We’re finally in an era where more attention is being paid to the mental health and wellbeing of young people; understanding that our cognition, i.e., the way we think, and, in this case the way we think about the world around us, and ourselves, will impact both how we feel, and consequently, what we do, is a part of that growing awareness.

Life Is What It's Called - What inspired you to write this story?

Dr. Drew Palacio - The stories I write typically end up reflecting challenges I’ve observed young people to encounter throughout their childhood. I say end up, as, while I may have a general idea, or visual/verbal template of the story when I begin writing, it usually takes me getting to the second act to truly know what the story is about. After that insight, I do what I can to ensure the messages align.

Life Is What It's Called - How does your psychology background help you write children's books?

Dr. Drew Palacio - It certainly keeps me abreast of what is in fact a crisis, a challenge, or an uncertainty to young people. It also affords me ways and means to interweave child-friendly, though empirical interventions into each tales resolution, as best I can. Lastly, it keeps me grounded so as to ensure that I don’t intentionally write outside the child’s scope of development, give, or take a word or two that I hope they learn.

Life Is What It's Called - In what ways do you think books will help kids with their problems?

Dr. Drew Palacio - Let me be clear in stating that I do not believe a children’s book is a substitution for positive parenting and active and engaging conversations between the parenting team and one’s child; nor a substation for child-based treatments, if and when necessary. That said, bibliotherapy, as an adjunct to the aforementioned dialogue with family, or professional consult, has been repeatedly explored across varying research disciplines, focusing on a wide array of topics young people may experience, and, with good results in terms of providing another means of understanding, and circumventing those areas of interest and concern.

There is also the added benefit of demonstrating to adults in a child’s life ways and means of ‘how’ to speak to young people about said topics. It is not uncommon for me to receive feedback from adult readers, not only with thanks in now having a mechanism of just how to broach a subject, but, more specifically, that the tale caused them to reflect on their own behaviors themselves.

Life Is What It's Called - What books are you working on next?

Dr. Drew Palacio - I am fortunately rather prolific when it comes to writing as a whole. I have 2-3 completed manuscripts ready for potential publication, provided my publisher is a fan, however, I am currently writing a picture book simply about change, and what I’ll say to that is who ever could know more about change, than a werewolf…

Life Is What It's Called - What do you want readers to know about you as an author?

Dr. Drew Palacio - That I truly do view these little scribbles, as inconsequential as they may be, as the most beautiful thing I have ever done. If I am being honest, it is the best of me that goes into them.


Enter for the chance to win a personalized hardcover copy of Troubles and Doubles and Reflections Askew: The Curious Case of the Two Emily Soos and Shrieks and Sounds and Things Abound: The Quiet Wants of Julien J.

Twelve (12) winners receive:
  • A personalized, signed copy of Troubles and Doubles and Reflections Askew: The Curious Case of the Two Emily Soos
  • A personalized, signed copy of Shrieks and Sounds and Things Abound: The Quiet Wants of Julien J.

The Troubles and Doubles and Reflections Askew Book Giveaway 

This post is sponsored by Dr. Drew Palacio. The review and opinions expressed in this post are based on my personal view.

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