My mother and mother-in-law also like Eden's books so I usually buy a book for Mother's Day or Christmas. I also usually highly recommend the books to my friends. When Sarah Eden mentioned on her Facebook Page that she was re-publishing A Fine Gentleman, I was so excited that I pre-ordered it on Amazon. I hardly ever pre-order anything. The previous publishing of A Fine Gentleman (Jounquil Book 5) has been sold out for a long time. I was glad that I pre-ordered it. It's one of her books that I will probably reread again. I enjoyed the characters especially Jason and Mariposa. Mariposa and Jason's interactions at first reminded me of Gracie and George Burns. Mariposa delivered some humorous lines causing Jason to lose his calm. I loved how the story progressed and how the characters gradually changed and evolved. As the story progressed, the plot deepened and you find out more about who Mariposa is and why she acts the way she does. The story also shared some of the devastating effects of war - losing a home, family, and fearing for your life. If you haven't read Sarah Eden's books before, I suggest that you read them in order starting with The Kiss of a Stranger (Jounquil Book 1). Her books mention previous events and characters and it's better to know the references. To learn more about, A Fine Gentleman, click here
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