W.B. Yeats is one of my favorite Irish poets. Yeats was pivotal in helping to establish the Abbey Theater and he helped encourage Irish Literature. His poems are inspiring and evoke powerful imagery for the imagination.
Sarah M. Eden wrote a book about an Irish woman, Katie, who emigrated to America to escape the potato famine. Katie agrees to works as a housekeeper in a small rural town in Wyoming divided between the Irish imigrants and Americans. Longing for Home is a fun romance to read.
Lady Gregory helped establish the Abbey Theater and inspire a movement for Irish Literature. Her play, "The Rising of the Moon" is one of my favorites. It's humorous and a little political at the same time.
"The Playboy of the Western World" is highly controversial for the Irish. The first time the Abbey Theater performed it, riots broke out in the theater. Even though it's controversial and maybe considered offensive to the Irish, J. M. Synge does an excellent job of conveying dialogue and engaging the characters.
"Dubliners" is a collection of short stories written by James Joyce. The stories cover middle class Irish life.
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