Stand In For Love Review

Monday, August 19, 2024

Serafina Russo’s best friend Britt is getting married in two weeks. But an unexpected death in the family takes the engaged couple out of the country to attend the funeral.

That leaves Sera, the timid maid-of-honor, and Axel Rodrigues, best man, famous baseball star, and NYC’s most eligible bachelor, to take care of last-minute wedding details and hopefully prevent their best friends’ wedding from becoming a disaster. While dealing with unexpected cancellations and catastrophes Sera discovers that Axel is not just famous and incredibly good-looking, he is also kind, helpful, and funny. Sera and Alex discover that when opposites attract, sparks fly, love ignites, and something wonderful happens.


Michele Ashman Bell grew up in St. George, Utah. In fourth grade her teacher wrote on her report card that she had a tendency to daydream and would probably do well with creative writing. Her love for books and learning about people and places has helped her make her teacher's prediction come true. Michele is the author of many books and Christmas stories. She is married and is the mother of four children, and a grandma of one. Aside from supporting her children in all of their many activities, she loves to travel, do research for her books and eat chocolate.

Sera's best friend leaves town two weeks before her wedding to attend her fiancée's grandmother's funeral. Sera and the best man, Alex, are asked to finish the arrangements on the wedding. Dealing with one catastrophe after another, Sera and Alex begin to get to know each other and fall in love.

This is cute romantic-comedy book that romance readers will enjoy. It's fun and light-hearted and easy book to read. There were a few unexpected twists that I wasn't expecting, but overall, I thought it was an entertaining read. The characters were engaging and fun. I felt like the author did a good job at describing the scenes and the characters. It was easy to picture the scenes and characters. To learn more, click here.

Please note that I received a free ebook of this book to review, however, this is my honest opinion. This post contains affiliate links that help support this blog.

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