Here's the meal I made with the slow cooker liner:
2-3 lb of Pork Roast
2 cans of Sauerkraut
1/4 cup of Brown Sugar
2 TB of Water
1. Line a 5-to 6-quart slow cooker with a Reynolds® Slow Cooker Liner. Open slow cooker liner and place it inside a slow cooker bowl. Fit liner snugly against the bottom and sides of bowl; pull top of liner over rim of bowl.
2. Add pork roast.
3. Rinse off Sauerkraut. (I usually place it in a strainer then rinse under tap water.)
4. Mix Sauerkraut and remaining ingredients in a bowl and then place on top of Pork Roast in Slow Cooker.
5. Cook on low for 5-6 hours.
6. Eat and Enjoy!
7. Cool slow cooker completely; remove empty liner and toss. Do not lift or transport liner with food inside.
Disclaimer: I received my sample from Crowdtap for free for testing and review purposes in exchange of my opinion, which is reflected in this entry.
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