A Sham Betrothal Review

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Paris, 1774. He can win her freedom, but can she win his heart?

With Sophie Twisden’s grandmother laid up with an illness, causing them to withdraw from the Paris social scene, the pompous Sheldon Cholmsley appoints himself as Sophie’s “protector.” Protector? Ha! More like tormentor. So when her new friend Basile Gervain offers her the protection of his name and promises he will not allow harm to come to her reputation when she breaks their sham betrothal and returns to London, she has little hesitation in accepting.

What once was an unthinkable notion—to align herself with a foreigner—becomes more and more the desire of her heart as she discovers how closely shared are their thoughts and sentiments. Now that it is time to leave Paris and put an end to their act, she wishes she might remain and become Madame Gervain in earnest. But what use is it to harbor a secret hope that he will declare his undying love, when he only proposed out of convenience in the first place?

A Sham Betrothal is a clean & wholesome 18th century romance novella, written in the traditional style.

Other books in the Georgians in Paris Series:


Jennie Goutet is the best-selling author of twelve Regency romances, including the Clavering Chronicles, Memorable Proposals, and Daughters of the Gentry series. Her books have received first place in historical romance for the New England Reader’s Choice Awards and have hit the number one spot in Regency Romance on Amazon. They have been featured on BookBub and Hoopla, and are translated into five languages. Jennie is an American-born Anglophile who lives with her French husband and their three children in a small town outside of Paris. Her imagination resides in Regency England, where her best-selling proper Regency romances are set. You can learn more about Jennie’s books and sign up for her newsletter on her author website at JennieGoutetBooks.com.


Sophie Twisden quickly realizes that Sheldon Cholmsley as expectations after escorting her and her grandmother to France. When a new acquaintance, Basile Gervain, offers to be her protector and promises that no harm will come to her reputation, Sophie jumps at the chance. As Sophie and Basile come to know each other they realize that their sham betrothal might not be such a sham after all. 

A Sham Betrothal draws the reader in with likeable characters that go against the expected and do the unexpected. This fun romance will keep readers on their toes as they watch the main characters navigate their relationship and deal with the foes around them. The story is cute, clean, and well-researched. The story also shares what was fashionable during the time, history of the time, and favorite iconic shops and locations. I love the "French" vibes in this book and the mention of iconic places like the Cafe Procope, the Palace of Versailles, visiting gardens, pastry shops and more. I enjoyed the romance, but the setting and its descriptions were also well-worth the read. It's definitely something I would want to revisit before my next visit to France. To learn more about this fun romance, click here.

Please note that I received a free ebook to review, however, this is my honest opinion. This post contains affiliate links.

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